First of all, your Friendly Luv-A-Chin Blogmaster apologizes for not posting sooner. It seems that housetraining 15 foster Chin at once is not as easy as you would think. Who knew???
Anyway, for those of you that have been waiting by their computers with baited breath, let me give you a brief synopsis of what has occurred in the past few weeks.......
There were two auctions attended by the great and powerful FOC, resulting in another 30+ Chinsters who will soon be on their way to wonderful, loving forever homes. Auction season seems to be over, so we should all breathe a collective sigh of relief. Ready, SIGH.......
Also, a few of the pregnant girls coming out of the auctions have had their pups. The pups are of course adorable and everyone is doing great!
We hope everyone is enjoying their summer! Hmmmm...... wouldn't this be a great time of year to add a Chin to your family? Just a thought-no pressure!
Until next time,
Your Friendly Luv-A-Chin Blogmaster