Hey East Coasters!!!!
Has this ever happened to you?
It's February of 2000 and you happen to be watching "Breed All About It" on Animal Planet. The topic of the day...Japanese Chin. Since you live in the Chinless northeast, you have never seen a Chin in person but you are intrigued. The family featured has about 20 of these adorable little dogs all living in harmony! But you live in town and are already at the 4 dog limit so the information is filed in the back of your mind along with your husbands social security number and your high school GPA.
Then it's 2004 and you are at your son's soccer game on a chilly fall morning. You see a fellow parent with two adorable little dogs. You know immediately that they are the fabled Japanese Chin! They are sweet, sooooo cute and even try to get into the car with you when you leave. But you've just recently had a baby and she is a handful. Not the right time to add a new canine family member.
Flash forward to 2007. Your trouble making youngest daughter is older and things are starting to settle down. You decide that now might be the right time to add a small dog to the mix. You go to one of those handy "Find the Right Breed for You" websites. You type in "must be good with children" and "must get along with other pets". What pops up at the top of the list? Japanese Chin! At this point you think that the universe may be trying to tell you something so you do some digging around. You do a search on Petfinder and find a wonderful older Chin but she is in South Dakota. What to do? You bookmark her page and look at her everyday until you finally can't take it anymore. You finally inquire about her just to save your sanity and the rest is history!
Now, it may not have happened exactly like that but I know you have been bitten by the Chin bug. It may seem like our friends in the midwest are hogging all these wonderful Chinsters, but if you are thinking about adding a Chin (or a 2nd, 3rd or 4th!) to your family take the plunge and apply! Luv-A-Chin is fully committed to placing the Chin in our care in wonderful, loving homes regardless of geographical location. We will work with you to get the dog of your dreams to you either by air or ground transportation. If you adopt them, they will come!
Until next time,
Your Friendly Luv-A-Chin Blogmaster and Fellow Northeaster
Admiration and interest were my first feelings when I’ve entered your blog. It is indeed the most remarkable creation I’ve ever seen! Moreover, your manner of writing and the photos are absolutely fine and I think everyone would agree with my words. All this made me immediately add the blog to my links. Thank you very much for such a marvelous web page and I will surely enter it again!
Hello, I think this might be an amazing coincidence. I've been considering adopting a senior dog for some time, and I've also become more involved in the issue of puppy mills. Today I saw Tori's photo online and emailed about her. Peg responded, I saw the blog address at the bottom of her email and here you are - in Owego, and quite possibly Tori's foster mom. I'm just north of Ithaca, near Trumansburg. I'm not sure I've even heard about this breed. Peg suggested I fill in an application, so I will do that. Thanks for posting your blog.
Ironic coincidence or what?? I have been surfing PetFinder for a few months. Totally stuck on a Pug or Frenchie until I see him. His name is Brewster and he looks like a miniature St. Bernard and fall in love. I begin looking at older dogs of this breed I have never heard of and fall more in love. So I complete the adoption paperwork and hear back from Peg almost immediately. We talk about the breed she answers my questions as I continue to surf the web about the Japanese Chin. Then I learn about the Fab 85!! Shortly after 4/9/08 Peg e-mails me that my sable pup is available. I was very intimidated by the location of Luv-A-Chin but thanks to the wonderful staff I learned that it may not be such a big deal. Soon Sukari will be home and my family will be complete. Thanks to Luv-A-Chin!!
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